Docker Images: A Deep Dive into Container Technology Medium

So we just go to these three exact same steps. So first one, we convert the type to digest. So it will be one and not latest this time. We find the right platform, and we don’t know the content. But the cool thing is, there’s only one request to do here.

Diving Deeper into Docker Images

I mean, once you have the latest, you just get this link. This is the same content, it’s done. I just get the content of this file. So I’m asking for the latest tag. So I want the current version of this tag.


Docker images utilizes a naming convention made up of slash-separated name components that may contain lowercase letters, digits, and separators. A separator is defined as a period, one or two underscores, or one or more dashes. A name component may not start or end with a separator. A docker tag name must be valid ASCII and may contain lowercase and uppercase letters, digits, underscores, periods, and dashes.

  • Most of the time, that’s what people call image.
  • You can group your images together using names and tags.
  • I have decided to compile my 4-years knowledge in one place to help everyone interested in or wanting to learn about Docker stay aligned.
  • I will just read, again, the same file.
  • Anyone who’s built their own containers, either for local development or for cloud deployment, knows the advantages of keeping container sizes small.

The OCI was launched on June 22nd, 2015 by Docker, CoreOS and other leaders in the container industry. The kernel’s interface is a low-level abstraction layer. When a process requests a service from the kernel, it must invoke a system call, usually through why do we need docker a wrapper function. Docker scout analyzes image contents and generates a detailed report of packages and vulnerabilities that it detects. It can also provides you with suggestions for how you can remediate issues discovered by the image analysis.

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And in fact, it’s not that difficult. I mean, there’s mostly three different steps. The first one is I want to translate my tag to a digest. Like if I pull Alpine latest, I mean, I want to find this. I mean, everything is stored as a blob, referenced by its digest.

Each layer has its own directory in /var/lib/docker//layerdb/. Docker stores all caches in /var/lib/docker/, where is the storage driver overlay2 again. It’s important to know what a container image is, how Docker builds and stores images, and how these images are used by containers. Container-related technologies has been used in various contexts in recent years in order to deliver software quickly, with a few commands.

Diving deeper into Docker images: Part 1 – Docker Tutorial

So it’s very, I mean, you can even create an image by hand. I mean, it’s just create your content, create the digest of that, and create a JSON file and boom, you have your image. But the really cool thing, at least from a point of view, is to extend images.

I’m a senior software engineer at Docker. I’m working on the CRI and the backend stuff on Docker. Below the key metrics, it shows a table of the largest files in the image, which can be a good starting point for reducing the size. To analyze an image, click on the analyze button, which calls Dive behind the scenes to gather the data.

Docker ecosystem

But I still keep the previous one. So if I try to pull the latest — I mean, by saying I want this digest of latest, it still works. But by default, it will be the new one.

Container runtimes are a foundational component of a modern containerized architecture. Docker architecture is a client-server model that enables the creation, distribution, and deployment of containerized applications. Linux container technologies allow developers to run multiple microservices on the same machine while not prepare a different environment to each service.

So this is what we saw just before. It’s the current version, the index one. I mean, it’s the historical version. This is the current version changed. When no, I want to pull this image. So I also added this new version in the historical versions.

Diving Deeper into Docker Images

It’s an image manifest, so it should be the same thing. We have a config, and we have some layers. If we go to the config, it will be slightly different.

Push an image

This is not the same mediatype, but at the end, it’s just one config blob, even if it’s pretty useless, and two layers. I will not begin to really dig into details of that, but it’s just the way we can just add the SBOM. So it’s all the details of the image, all the packages, the licenses, etc. And the provenance, it’s everything we record at the time of the build — what was the digest of this image, etc. It’s like, it’s not necessarily what you do most of the time, but when you’re using the base images, they are done that way.

Diving Deeper into Docker Images

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